Corporate Social Responsibility
Donderdag 27 mei is de formele overhandiging van de donatie aan het Bureau voor Openbare Gezondheidszorg gedaan door Petronas Suriname Exploration & Production B.V. in samenwerking met de RPBG. Het was een eer om in een publiek-partnerschap een bijdrage te kunnen leveren aan dit project. Speciale dank aan Petronas Suriname Exploration & Production B.V. voor de kans die aan de RPBG is gegeven.
Met de steeds stijgende Covid-19 besmettingen heeft de Rosheuvel & Partners Business Group op donderdag 27 mei 2021 twee (2) laptops gedoneerd aan het Diakonesse Ziekenhuis die nodig waren voor de opschaling van de Covid afdeling.
De United nations heeft zich gecommitteerd aan 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In het kader van World Telecommunication and Information Society Day doet de Rosheuvel & Partners Business Group NV een bijdrage aan Stichting Wi Oso ten behoeve van de bouw van een appartement. Stichting Wi Oso heeft als doel om in Suriname gehandicapte jongeren in staat te stellen aan een menswaardige toekomst te werken door het bieden van aangepaste behuizing, scholing en werkgelegenheid. Het doel van Stichting Wi Oso sluit naadloos aan op de Sustainable Development Goal nummer 4: Quality Education – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. De RPBG ondersteunt dit doel om ook deze groep binnen onze maatschappij kansen te geven en hun welzijn te vergroten.
In relation to our 25th anniversary this year, Corporate Social Responsibility is also on our program. We will carry out various projects in this context throughout the year. This month, the RPBG is donating an internet connection to the Rebecca Scheltz Girls' Boarding School for 25 months. The internet connection is important for the girls in the boarding school who can use it for education and distance learning. The internet installation and the official handover took place on Thursday 25 February 2021.
The RPBG made a donation to the Possible Miracles Foundation, which carried out a project to create and distribute packages for less fortunate families.
On Thursday December 10, 2020, the RPBG made a donation to Stichting Jongeren en Telefoonlijn. This concerns three (3) mobile telephones that will be used to extend the opening hours of the line to 24 hours a day. Currently, the Youth telephone line is only available from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Stichting ‘In de Ruimte’ is a foundation that works for people with a physical disability. There has been a relationship between the RPBG and Stichting ‘In de Ruimte’ for many years. The relationship originated when Parbonet set up a repeater site there. The relationship has grown into more than just the repeater site where the RPBG also makes an annual donation to the foundation.
The RPBG has recently made donations, namely: 1. A laptop at OS Fatima School. 2. Devine Foundation. This year, PAPPS has donated to the Matoekoe Health Pedagogical Center and In de Ruimte Foundation. Special thanks to all PAPPS members who made this possible.
RPBG has been working on a project for the Kennedy school in collaboration with Kosmos Energy Suriname for quite some time. This project consists of the setting up of an ICT room and the sustainable transfer of ICT knowledge and skills. ICT can no longer be ignored in our lives and we also want to give the children of the Kennedy school the opportunity to grow with it. We were able to realize the project in collaboration with Kosmos Energy Suriname. Kosmos Energy Suriname will provide the hardware (beamer and computers) and the RPBG will take care of the knowledge transfer in the form of training to the children as well as training the trainer sessions for the supervisors. This ensures sustainable knowledge transfer. Our trainers will strive to achieve this goal.
Youth is the future. On Friday, February 8, 2019, the RPBG’s donation for the Rumas foundation was issued by Vishal. For many dropouts, at-risk youth, and boys who broke the law, Rumas is a new opportunity to create a new direction in their lives. Homework supervision increases the chance of obtaining a school diploma. In this context, the RPBG has fulfilled one of Rumas' wishes by donating a new laptop and printer.