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Managed Services Contracts

RPBG MSP has the knowledge and experience to offer you a complete maintenance plan with the necessary hardware at a competitive monthly rate. RPBG MSP has a lot of experience with the typical system management issues that small and large companies face. This includes techniques such as virtualizations, data backup, file sharing over the internet, setting up firewalls, SD-WAN configurations, or remote working techniques.


The usual consequence of outsourcing is that a company is given a great deal of flexibility in order to adapt more quickly to changing circumstances. The company is becoming flexible in technology and capacity. Change of technology becomes a matter of notification rather than reorganization and training.

Increase speed and service

Outsourcing provides an advantage in terms of lead time, higher quality standards, and access to special talents. Entering into a strategic partnership with a professional IT supplier makes it possible to adapt the IT requirement to fit the business while at the same time not limited to the performance and capacity of your own IT department.


Outsourcing your complete IT infrastructure and its management to the RPBG will result in fixed and predictable monthly costs instead of unpredictable investments and maintenance costs to maintain your hardware and software infrastructure.

Other reasons that might justify your company to switch to outsourcing are:

- To reduce overhead costs for IT, 

- Divestment of non-core activities

- Access to a wide variety of techniques and qualities

- Focus on strategic processes and relationship management

- Improve business focus

- Risk sharing: No investment in new trends

- Scalability

- 24/7 availability

Remote Monitoring & Alerts

Preventive management is a form of management in which the systems are being monitored 24/7. The systems are tuned to the MSP application that monitors their operation. The various connected devices are monitored on, among other things, their performance, consumption of resources, and their status. Monitoring of the status includes the monitoring of installed operating systems and the various updates and upgrades. The three monitoring subjects are weighed against a compliance database, after which a rating takes place. The rating indicates to what extent the machines are subject to support and management. 

Within the scope of the endpoint protection program, the RPBG also has the option to determine the vulnerability of the included devices that are being monitored.


Solution Desk Services

Increase the service level for your end-user

RPBG Solution Desk offers a high-quality addition to our Remote Monitoring and NOC Services. Our highly trained staff can handle end-user problem tickets 24x7, either as an outsourced alternative for your staff or as a shared addition to your helpdesk team.

Ask us how we can help you increase your end-user support service level and reduce the costs of your technical support personnel.

Main features of our helpdesk services

  • Extensive reporting will generate a bird’s-eye view of the security of your entire network.
  • Warnings for network access attempts by unauthorized users.
  • Monitor high bandwidth usage of interactive games or illegal peer-to-peer applications that misuse company resources and often introduce viruses and spyware.
  • Online problem reporting
  • Support by phone, email, and online chat 
  • 24x7 availability
  • Call dispatch for on-site repairs
  • Access to our online support portal for real-time reporting
  • Guaranteed Security

Hardware & Software Maintenance

Our services are based on a robust structure of value-added solutions.


The Assembly & Repair department is specialized in:

  • assembling Computers;
  • repairing Computers, Printers, UPSs, etc .;
  • upgrading computers;
  • installing software;
  • solving software problems.

We dont’ repair, We replace!

In the event of a hardware failure in one of our computers, a PC with the same capacity will be delivered within 48 hours at your location to replace the defective machine. The customer will be allowed to use this replacement until the defective PC has been repaired and reinstalled at the workplace. This is done free of charge within the warranty period.

Licensed Software 

Minimaliseer downtime in uw organisatie door gebruik te maken van originele software systemen!

Als bedrijf is het van eminent belang om de zekerheid en veiligheid van bedrijfsdata te waarborgen. Dit kun je onder andere realiseren door originele software systemen aan te schaffen voor elk werkstation en elke server. Orginele software is software waarvoor een licentie wordt aangeschaft, alvorens er gebruik van wordt gemaakt. 


De voordelen die gepaard gaan met het gebruiken van originele software systemen zijn onder andere:

  • Alle mogelijke updates worden door de leveranciers verstrekt, eventuele bugs (kinderziektes) worden door middel van patches beschikbaar gesteld. 
  • Bij uitgifte van een nieuwere versie van de software kun je tegen geringe betaling daarover beschikken.
  • Minimaliseren van downtime.

Over de wereld hebben duizenden programmeurs kneepjes ontwikkeld om de authenticiteit van originele software systemen te omzeilen en daar zogeheten crack voor te ontwikkelen, waardoor het niet noodzakelijk is om een licentie aan te schaffen voor het gebruik van dergelijke  software systemen. Deze hackers van software systemen publiceren dan ook via Internet de zogeheten Cracks die kunnen worden gedownload. Behalve dat dit strafbaar is, is het ook onethisch.

Tevens worden de originele security source codes omzeild, waardoor het doordringen van malware/spyware applicaties heel makkelijk kan plaatsvinden met alle gevolgen van dien.

Enkele schadelijke gevolgen voor uw bedrijf:

  • Laptop / Desktops staan gedeeltelijk open voor aanvallen van buiten.
  • Documenten opgemaakt in deze software kunnen makkelijk op straat komen te liggen (data breach).
  • Bij het delen van deze documenten bestaat het gevaar dat andere computers geïnfecteerd raken.
  • Bij het installeren van crack software kan het besturingssysteem verminkt raken waardoor de optimale werking van uw computer in gedrang komt.

Bij de RPBG bent u terecht voor de aanschaf van de volgende software systemen:

  • Microsoft Office applicaties: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher, Access.
  • Grafische software systemen: Adobe applicaties, AUTOCAD LT.
  • Besturingssystemen: Windows 10/11, Windows server.
  • Anti virus software systemen: McAfee, Malware bytes, AVG, Norton, Kaspersky.

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